Friday, June 6, 2008

Term 1 Milestones

Sometimes it's hard to see as a mum what we achieve but looking back on tern one look what we have done...

Melani- Was on TV
Jean- became our technical guru and chief photographer
Beck- Started baby no. 2 at school
Mel- turned 30 :) and lost 32 kgs.!!
Kylie- changed jobs
Jodie- starting her new beauty business
Princess- making new friends in Australia
Dianna- has committed to walking everyday and is making new friends
Vanessa- became a soccer mum
Jenny- is about to join playgroup and has been weaning Christopher

And the children:
Matty- started preschool
Jonathan- gained a mouth full of teeth and commando crawls
Jacob- is learning how to go potty
Trinity- learned to walk
Gabriel- is learning his sounds and counting to ten
Henry- started preschool and masquerades as super heros
Olivia- taking first steps and can sing "E I E I OOW"
Cooper- making new friends
Aiden- cruising and trying new foods
Billy- learnt to crawl
Heart- learning English
Christopher- re-learnt to sleep through the night

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